So let’s quickly answer the title question: YES, we are still a couple. So far so good and we sure have learned a lot in the first 30 days of Full Time RV Travel. We should probably put a disclaimer on this also that there has been a few ups and downs.
First and foremost we are not going to sugar coat the fact that this life isn’t a cake walk, There are certain challenges that we have faced. Right now as we write this we are in the middle of a pandemic (Covid-19) and a normal everyday lifestyle in a regular year has been turned upside down. Having said that, the Full Time RV Lifestyle has created a few challenges as far as reserving campgrounds and getting general maintenance done on our Tow Vehicle and even the Airstream.
We find that even as we complete our first 30 days of Full Time RV Travel, nothing is really that much different than it was at home. We were best friends before we hit the road, and we are best friends on the road. In fact, we have found that we work better as a couple since the challenges seem to be best solved by Teamwork! We find that problem solving isn’t a debate but more of a brain session meeting one would have at work. Because in reality, traveling on the road full time does require work. We not even talking about “job kind of work”, we are talking about hitching up, un hitching, parking, backing in, setting up, tearing down, getting the dogs outside and fed, making sure lights are working, bla bla bla, the list goes on. Thus teamwork is vitally important.
So, how are we getting along and does living in a 180 sq ft change things? We are getting along great, and YES, it changes things. We have gotten into a routine as far as private time and when going to bed. One of us goes to bed early while the other stays up. We have set up a work area in front so one person can go to bed without lights on, and noise. When we need to use the “facilities”, (in a number 2 kind of way). One of us simply leaves the Airstream and takes the dogs for a walk. Just out of simple respect to give the other person a little normalcy and privacy. We told you we wouldn’t sugar coat this.
Which comes to the conclusion. Respecting your partner and their voice in making decisions is so important. If they feel sketched out by a place you have decided to camp at, then simply talk about it and don’t be so stubborn to discount the other point of view. We make decisions together and there is no “captain” on our journey. We split chores as we travel and always trying to help if the other person get’s overwhelmed. Pretty much the same way you treat your parnter at home, is the way you should treat them on the road. So after 30 days of Full Time RVing, we are better than ever.