Airstream Heat Powered Stove Fan

How to heat your RV

Ever since we decided on a non traditional form of heating our Airstream, and install a wood burning stove. We had to come up with a way to distribute the heat evenly. We review the the Tomersun heat powered stove fan for our Airstream.

Since we are using a wood burning stove for our rv heat, the Cubic Mini Wood Stove Grizzly, This is will be a very important piece of our nomadic gear. The Tomersun Heat Powered Fan uses heat to distribute a balanced heat though out our Airsteam Argosy. Uses NO Electricity or batteries. Completely Eco Friendly.

It’s super quiet and is small enough to sit on top of our Cubic Grizzly. It takes less than 2 minutes after we get a fire going to start spinning and distributing heat. But the big benefit is the ecco friendly way it uses energy. We are big fans on repurposing things in our nomadic life, so why not repurposed your heat?

Tomersun Heat Stove Fan

Since this Video was shot: Our testing of the fan was very impressive. On 3 cold nights last Winter below 32 degrees. We kept temps in our Airstream on average to 73 degrees with heat distribution all the way to the back of our Airstream. For $30.00 you can’t beat that!