31 Traveling As A Couple Nomad Relationships

This Nomadic Idea Podcast

On episode 31 show we talk about “Nomad Relationships”. Are you a couple who travels together? How do you handle living together on the road, and what happens when one of you decides “this isn’t for me”. How as a couple do you handle conflict? or do you both make decisions together as a team? We share some couple travel tips and share our personal story on how we handle stress. All this and more on This Nomadic Idea Podcast


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It occurred to us as we were driving through Yellowstone National Park this Winter just how grateful that we were experiencing all this together. Which got us thinking about traveling as a couple. And all the things we deal with as a couple.

We have learned ALOT and we have grown stronger in our relationship because we’ve learned to communicate better. We listen more and we judge less. Here are a few tips we want to share.

How you communicate is just as important as what you communicate. Transparency, patience, and understanding are three values we use to help foster healthy communication

Alone Time – Equally as important is spending time together

Work as a Team! Packing and unpacking the trailer, hitching and unhitching coupled with long drive days can be exhausting, which easily leads to short tempers and petty arguments. This is why we like to separate our “duties.” Ariane prep the inside, while Scott preps the outside, but we hitch up together

Listen to the complete Podcast and hear what are greatest challenge as been as couple living the full time Nomad Life.