RV Boondocking VS RV Hookups Which Is Better?

RV Boondocking or RV Hookups

Let’s start out by saying we LOVE Boondocking! But we also really enjoy the peace of mind not watching our battery monitor every hour. So which is better, RV Boondocking or RV Hookups? Let’s look deeper into the realities of both.

RV Boondocking: You RV is parked in the middle of no where with beautiful mountains all around you. You have seen this a hundred times on Instagram and said, “yes, this is what I want”. Well, that is all good, but there is more than just a good Insta Pic that you will need. The reality of boondocking is of course being able to charge your 12 volt battery so you can turn on lights. Which means your gonna have to invest in Solar. We invested in the Renogy 400 Watt 12 Volt Off Grid Solar Premium Kit. How much Solar will depend on how long you want to boondock for. However, solar just gives you a way to charge your 12 volt battery. You then have to make sure you have enough propane, and water. Water is pretty important when your boondocking. So might suggest a good generator/inverter. We invested in the 3500 Watt Super Quiet Inverter Generator. That’s great, but your are also going to have to store it in what ever Tow Vehicle or RV you have chosen. Some of course have them built into their Class A’s or Class C’s, even 5th Wheels. Which means you will have to buy gas somewhere and haul that gas to run your generator. Then let us not forget to NOT RUN your Generator all night. Quite Generators are more expensive also, so choose wisely. So although boondocking seems quite romantic on Instagram, you will have to invest some dollars to be able to maximize your stay. Because boondocking at Walmart maybe free, it doesn’t quite cut the Instagram mustard. Most of all remember there is no such thing is FREE when your buying gas to run your generator.

How to live on the road full time

RV Hookups; RV Hookups are great. You have everything you need to run lights, electric outlets, and have unlimited supply of water. However the downside to that is your going to pay for it obviously. There is a cost for the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Which means hookups can cost and run the budget down fast. It can however give you other benefits while on the road. We do NOT spend over 30.00 dollars for Hookups. But that is not what we always look for either. We look for how much do we get for the price we pay. Laundry services, shower services, dog parks. All the other amenities are important to us so we are willing to pay to stay at a RV Park. Nothing like a Hot Shower and not have to worry about the Gray Tank Capacity.

But even with RV Hookups and amenities there is still investment to be made if you are plugging into 30 amp or 50 amp electrical outlets. You have to make sure you don’t fry your electrical system. That is why we invested in Hughes Power Watchdog Smart Bluetooth Surge Protector. The Bluetooth capability let’s you monitor the power draw from your smart phone using their app. AND YES, it saved our butts when our AC went bad. We can also tell immediately if a power post is bad or good.

Hookups or Boondocking is a balance. We enjoy boondocking more, but there is a investment to be made there. While Hookups offer a more traditional way to RV, we think both are pretty nice depending on your lifestyle and your needs for that particular trip.

See our complete list of RV Boondocking and RV Gear on our KIT PAGE